Dioscorea sylvatica is a species of a vining caudiciform that is native to Africa. Impressive reticulated tuberous rootstock or caudex. It is found in forests and grasslands of East and Southern Africa. The caudex, making it a Fat Plant, is impressive as it grows to a large size. The vines can grow as much as 12 feet in a year. …
Espostoa lanata is a species of cactus from Peru and is a columnar, densely hairy cactus, covered by a warm, woolly coat and well adapted to high altitudes. Its common name is Peruvian Old Man cactus. It can grow to 9 feet in cultivation. It is different from the Mexican Old Man cactus, Cephalocereus senilis, in that it has prominent…
Paper spine cactus, Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracanthus is a slow-growing bushy cactus with segmented stems with interesting flat papery spines. It grows up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. The little segments are pine cone-shaped, loosely attached, and fall easily. These Argentinian cacti have small white flowers and will propagate when planting the segments. Does well indoors in sunny location. …